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About The Group

Started back in 2006, Snaith and Cowick Drama Group was launched off the back of a community questionnaire which identified that a drama group would be a much welcomed feature to the area. It took 10 people, no money but a lot of heart and passion for the group to perform within the year. The group's first production being 'James and The Giant Peach', performed at Howden Shire Hall. 


Since those first rehearsals, the group has gone from strength to strength with thanks to more members joining us, new sections and roles added to the committee, the backing of various community figures and of course our audiences turning out in their hundreds to watch us perform.

We are not the 'village panto group'. We are much more than that and we would like to thank everyone that has been a part of the story so far! 

You can see all of our past titles by clicking here.


Our next performance will be Wacky Western - A Little Panto on the Prairie, by Steve Boyce in July 2024.


Want to join us? The Group is open to anyone age 11-111*. See the Join us section of the website for more details


*Children aged 10 who will be 11 before the next performance date may join but must attend with a responsible adult who stays throughout the rehearsals. Please contact us for more information


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© 2006 - 2024, Snaith and Cowick Drama Group